HTPC with FreeBSD

Sunday, January 04 2004 @ 02:53 CET

Contributed by: tingo

This project will show my efforts to build a Home Theater PC (or HTPC for short) with FreeBSD. The goal is to have the necessary hardware and software into this machine so that I can

It will be network connected. Nice extras will be the ability to show pictures from the hard drive or a card reader.

Useful links to look at: the PVR hardware database, the Linux HTPC How-to, eBox and eboxy, Freevo, MythTV, VDR, xawtv, DVR (for Linux), Russell Pavlicek's "Building a Linux-based time-shifting box",
Don't forget that the FreeBSD Handbook has a section on setting up TV cards.

Things I need:

FreeBSD, video drivers: VideoBSD and BT848 / BT878 driver and the SAA7134 driver and applications for FreeBSD 5.x, and more.


Moro MC